Secura Key SKNETDM Basic Software (USB Flash Drive and Manual)

This basic software allows up to 200 doors to be connected using a high-speed RS-485 twisted pair bus, and it also allows a single TCP/IP connection. Doors can be controlled and programmed from a central, nondedicated computer.
Part Number: SK-NET-DM
$82.46 each
$82.46 each


Secura Key SKNETDM Basic Software (USB Flash Drive and Manual)

Basic SK-NET™ for one location and a single workstation. A single LAN or COM Port connection is supported. More than 1 TCP/IP connection requires SK-NET-MLD software.

SK-NET™ Access Control Software is an easy-to-use Windows-based program for managing SK-ACPE control panels. The basic software allows up to 200 doors to be connected using a high-speed RS-485 twisted pair bus, and it also allows a single TCP/IP connection. Doors can be controlled and programmed from a central, nondedicated computer.

SK-NET is very intuitive for Windows users. SK-NET Explorer uses a familiar format to configure the access control system. Windows conventions, such as drag and drop and right-click menus, make SK-NET easy to learn. Transaction history displays all card uses with time, date, location and user. The User Manager screen is used to assign access privileges and to monitor in/out status.

SK-NET also features video integration when used with Remote Eyes® Video Management from Odyssey Technologies. Stored video images are associated with card transactions, alarm conditions or other audit trail events.

Software Features

  • Control up to 200 Doors per connection on an RS-485, Twisted Pair Cable
  • Windows Compatible
  • Client/Server Licenses for Multiple Workstations
  • Full Graphical Time Zone Display
  • Transaction, User and Reader Reports with Filtering
  • Real and Timed Antipassback
  • Optional Multi-Location Software with Dial-up
  • Modem and TCP/IP Capability

SK-NET v5.20 Installation & Operating Guide

SK-NET Client Server Installation Guide

SK-NET Badge Printing

Manufacturer SecuraKey, Inc.